Finding a Sacramento Plumber

What if the roots of your beautiful Sacramento trees are fighting with your plumbing pipes? It's something almost every homeowner has dealt with. Here are some tips on finding a plumber who will help you out.

Tips for Choosing a Plumber When it’s time to clear a clog or install a new sink, you want an experienced plumber on your side. But there are dozens of plumbers in Sacramento and Rancho Cordova to choose from, so how do you know what to look for when choosing a plumber? Use these tips to help you find a plumber that can get the job done without paying ridiculous prices or getting scammed in the process.

1. Ask Friends

Anyone can say they do a good job, so make sure the company you choose is telling the truth by asking your friends for referrals. You can trust your friends to give you the lowdown on who’s worth hiring and who they wish they had avoided. Your Facebook and LinkedIn friends will have lots to say about the worthiest plumbers.

2. Look for the License

A plumbing license is more than a wall decorations it’s confirmation that the person has training and skills and is still going to be around in a few years. While your neighbor’s daughter’s boyfriend’s uncle might give you a lower price, think: is he really going to come back and stand behind his work if things go wrong? In California, we've issued over One Million contractors licenses since the start of the Contractors State License Board in 1935 across all classifications. The lower the number, the longer you've had your license. A number that is below 800,000 means a contractor has been licensed for over 20 years.

3. Work Clothes

Choose a company that takes pride in their work and their appearance by sending out uniformed plumbers. It’s one of those little things you can look for in a professional team.

4. Polite & Friendly People

When you invite a plumber into your home, they are going to enter your personal space. Therefore, you want someone who is polite and will treat you and your property with respect. Do they put on booties to keep your floor clean?

5. Accurate Estimates

Once an experienced plumber reviews the job site (aka, your home), he should be able to give you an accurate estimate on the work needing to be completed. Everything should be upfront so you can avoid nasty surprises when the bill is delivered.

6. Insurance Matters

Who pays if the plumber accidentally breaks a line and floods your house? If they’re not insured, you will have to pay and then go through the courts to be reimbursed. If they have the insurance, you’re both covered for accidents. You take a big risk if you hire an unlicensed worker, because without a license, no insurance.

7. Emergency Services

Why is it that pipes always break in the middle of the night or on a long holiday weekend? Choose a plumber that offers emergency services so that you’re covered even when Murphy’s Law comes into play.

8. On-Time Appointments

Let’s be honest: no one has time to sit around all day and wait for a plumber. Hire a team that will give you a clear appointment time, so you can do something you actually enjoy or need to do in the meantime.

9. Get the Warranty

This question is so important: Do you stand behind your work? The only answer you should accept is,Yes, absolutely!

10. Background Checks

When you call a plumber in California, you want to know that they are coming in to fix the plumbing and not to check out your house. Look for a plumber that invests in background checks on all of their employees and hires only the best, most trustworthy candidates.

Learning how to choose a plumber may seem overwhelming, but it’s actually very easy. In addition to experience and skills, you also want courteous team members and honest licenses, quality insurance, and a solid warranty.

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